Baby of the Week: Noah Fotheringham

Noah FotheringhamNoah Fotheringham
Noah Fotheringham
Noah Douglas Fotheringham was born at 10.44am on February 8, 2019 at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, weighing 6lbs 10oz

The parents...

Ashleigh and Gavin Fotheringham

The birth...

Noah was born six days early and mum was only in labour for four hours and 45 minutes.

The baby...

Noah is a beautiful, happy little boy who loves to eat his toes and smile at everyone.

The name...

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We really liked it as it was unusual and also couldn’t be shortened. With a surname like Fotheringham he needed a short first name.

The grandparents...

Kenny and Joanne Mitchell, Angela and Ross Grant and Colin and Cathy Fotheringham.


Mum Ashleigh would like to thank midwife Laura at the Victoria hospital, who kept her calm and really helped her through the birth. Her husband Gavin for not freaking out as he has a phobia of blood, and the breastfeeding support team.

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