'˜Adequate' care at care homes not acceptable say Glenrothes councillors

Councillors warned caution over the plansCouncillors warned caution over the plans
Councillors warned caution over the plans
Councillors have warned of caution over possible future moves to withhold placements in care homes where performance has been graded as '˜adequate'.

Members of Glenrothes area committee were in agreement, when they met this week, that while there must be a concerted effort for facilities used by Fife Council to strive for improving scores of good, very good and excellent, to block placements in homes deemed adequate by the Care Inspectorate could cause problems in the council finding alternative accommodation.

“I say wholeheartedly that care homes that are providing just an adequate level of care are not acceptable,” said Councillor Ross Vettraino.

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“We have a duty of care to provide people, some of which are the most vulnerable within our society, the best possible facilities.

“However this poses a considerable problem for Fife Council over possible capacity and the ability to provide enough places should we start ruling out lower performing care homes.”

Amanda-Louise Houghton, performance and improvement planning officer, agreed that ‘adequate’ was indeed unacceptable to Fife Council, but added that her team would work “closely with the management and owners of any care home highlighted to ensure an effective action plan to achieve improvements”.

Cllr Altany Craik called for for greater transparency over the reporting of specific concerns.

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Councillors need to be informed immediately of significant downturns in performance, the current system of reporting is not acceptable,” said Mr Craik.

The call comes after placements to Finavon Court home were temporarily suspended when the Care Inspectorate issued a grading of ‘weak’ in November 2015.