A top musical line-up is set toremember Tam

Psycho Therapy, one of the bands on the billPsycho Therapy, one of the bands on the bill
Psycho Therapy, one of the bands on the bill
A popular Levenmouth pub is once again preparing to host what's becoming a well-established and keenly-anticipated annual musical event.

The Douglas Arms in Methilhill’s Main Street is next month staging the 2016 memorial gig in celebration of the life of local man Tam Dignan.

A top line-up of local punk and rock bands is set to take the stage from 4pm on Saturday, February 6, for what is billed as “a charity night of punk rock with a wee roota twist”.

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The event is being organised once again by Tam’s brother, Graeme Dignan, and he’s been delighted with the level of support and interest from the music-loving community.

Tam, of Buckhaven, was a well-known character on the local punk music scene and, said Graeme, became a familiar figure among gig audiences with his multi-coloured hair.

However, friends and family were shocked when the father-of-five died suddenly in May 2013, aged 50.

The gig, for which tickets are £5, will also be raising money for Autism Rocks (Fife) and the coronary care unit at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

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Among the bands on the bill is Psycho Therapy – which features Tam’s son Shaun among its line-up.

Graeme Dignan said the concert was a good way to remember and respect his brother, as well as acknowledging a revived live music scene in Levenmouth. After the first gig in 2014, there was so much enthusiasm and so many requests for another that Graeme was happy to oblige, while the charities also had special significance for the family. “It’s good to give something back to the community and take positives from what’s happened,” said Graeme. Bands due to appear include Root System, EK Decay, Urgency X UK, Crimedesk, Us Versus Them, The Dreggs, 13 Tombs, Psycho Therapy, Hot Cars and Big Cloud.