5000 back campaign for cinema in Kirkcaldy

Kirkcaldy cinema plans - artist's impression of how a cinema would look at the promenade - site of the old Kirkcaldy Swimming Pool. Picture taken from a Savil's brochure in September 2018.
Prom esplanade Mercat La Salle lasalle regeneration waterfrontKirkcaldy cinema plans - artist's impression of how a cinema would look at the promenade - site of the old Kirkcaldy Swimming Pool. Picture taken from a Savil's brochure in September 2018.
Prom esplanade Mercat La Salle lasalle regeneration waterfront
Kirkcaldy cinema plans - artist's impression of how a cinema would look at the promenade - site of the old Kirkcaldy Swimming Pool. Picture taken from a Savil's brochure in September 2018. Prom esplanade Mercat La Salle lasalle regeneration waterfront
Our campaign to bring a cinema operator to Kirkcaldy has now reached 5000 signatures.

But with the closure of M&S, we need to see it rise even higher.

Now, more than ever, the cinema is emerging as a key pillar of our town centre’s future – one based on leisure, residential and community rather than retail.

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The Press campaign, which has the backing of business leaders, retailers, residents and politicians across all parties, was aimed at ensuring Kirkcaldy’s voice was heard loud and clear by an operator looking to open a cinema.

We have a possible site – the old swimming pool, now being demolished by owners of the Mercat Shopping Centre.

And we have a planning application to turn the land into use for leisure facilities.

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But, until our campaign started, we had no operator.

Now, thanks to the unified voice of all, we have an expression of interest.

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The managing agents of the Mercat confirmed they were in dialogue with interested parties.

Stephen Roberts, centre manager, said: “It will take time to ensure that there is synergy between our vision and that of the provider.

“The waterfront has many selling points and we see it as springboard for getting in front of big brands and businesses, showcasing the bright future Kirkcaldy has.

“We strongly believe that bringing multiple, active uses through carefully considered partnerships and collaboration will be instrumental for restoring vibrancy and people’s faith in the High Street.”

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Last week Councillor Alistair Cameron added several hundred names to petitions by picking up sheets from a range of businesses and retailers.

To sign go to change.org and search for ‘Kirkcaldy wants a cinema.’

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