Picture special: Final ever Kirkland Show goes off with a bang

The final ever Kirkland Show. All pictures by George McLuskie.The final ever Kirkland Show. All pictures by George McLuskie.
The final ever Kirkland Show. All pictures by George McLuskie.
A wee bit of history came to an end on Thursday as the curtain came down on the very last Kirkland Show.

This year’s ‘Ultimate Icons’ caberet involved performances of Kylie Minogue, Frank Sinatra, the Spice Girls, Jersey Boys and Bananarama to name just a few.

For Alison Fleming, PT of music at Kirkland, the whole thing has been tinged with a little sadness.

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She said: “The shows were fantastic, and while its sad, there’s also a lot of excitement there about what’s all to come at Levenmouth Academy.

“We’re going to have a bigger pool of students and talent which will be good.

“But I did find myself looking at this stage on the final night thinking ‘This is where I’ve worked for 20 years’ and it was sad.

“Kirkland has been so good to me, I’ve never wanted to go anywhere else, but to be given the job of PT at Levenmouth Academy is just perfect, I couldn’t ask for more.”

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Around 90 children were involved in this year’s show, alongside staff, parents, former pupils and other volunteers.

“This is such a team effort,” said Alison. “Whether it’s handing out programmes, selling tickets, doing hair and make-up, backstage stuff or being on the stage, everyone works so hard.

“Every year, Ronnie Ross, the rector, and I get so many compliments, and people say to us at the end of each year’s shows ‘there’s no way the show can get any bigger or better’, but one parent told me they are always proved wrong.

“I have to thank Ronnie for his unswerving support, my husband for all his technical support and Lawrie McAlpine for everything she does.”