Can we recommend: Samuel Bjork: I Am Travelling Alone

Book: Samuel BjorkBook: Samuel Bjork
Book: Samuel Bjork
Samuel Bjork is a playwright and singer-songwriter in Norway. His debut crime novel is mesmerising, compelling and captivating.

He writes with pace, and packs a huge amount into this book which grips you from the opening chapters.

He also introduces us to two new detectives with fascinating back stories yet to be fully told – but he reveals more than enough in this book to set the scene for much more to come.

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Holger Munch is a veteran investigator, Mia Kruger is his former partner who is deeply troubled, haunted by the death of her sister and her part in it.

Book: Samuel BjorkBook: Samuel Bjork
Book: Samuel Bjork

She is out of the force and contemplating ending her life when Munch calls with a troubling case which centres on the discovery of the body of a young girl girl, dressed like a doll and with a tag which states ‘’I am travelling alone.’’

It’s the first of several such grim findings.

Bjork flips between Munch and Kolger’s stories, weaving their personal issues around a complex investigation, and then layers it with more and more characters too, who each have part of the story to tell even if the link isn’t entirely obvious at first ... and in doing that, he still never loses your attention for a second.

The prose is short and sharp.

This is a book in a hurry – but one that also rich with narrative.

There is much more to come from Munch and Holger, and this is the perfect introduction.

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