Baby of the Week: Theodoros Kyriacou

Baby of the Week TheodorosBaby of the Week Theodoros
Baby of the Week Theodoros
Theodoros Kleanthus Kyriacou was born on March 4, 2018 at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy at 11.50pm.

The parents ... Hannah Sutherland and Christopher Kyriacou

The pregnancy... Hannah had a very easy pregnancy. Labour was a bit different, Theo was five days late and she was induced. Eight hard hours later he arrived.

What kind of baby is he... Hannah said Theo is a happy baby and loves smiling. He loves a good cuddle too.

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The name... His parents said trying to pick a name for Theo was hard with his dad being half Cypriot, but once he was here, his dad chose the name Theo.

The proud grandparents ... Teresa Lambert and her partner Fraser Lambert, Iain Sutherland and his partner Linda Irvine, Karen Mcgregor and Panicos Kyriacou.

Anyone you would like to thank... Hannah thanks her mum and partner; and family and friends for giving them time to spend with the little one.

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