Baby of the Week: Archie Bonner

Baby of the Week ArchieBaby of the Week Archie
Baby of the Week Archie
Archie James Ryan Bonner was born on April 22, 2018 at the Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy at 12.28 am.

The parents... Stephanie Page and Rhys Bonner

The pregnancy... Stephanie said her pregnancy went perfect and she had no problems. Her waters broke in her home and she had to be rushed to hospital as Archie was determined to come quickly.

What kind of baby is he... Stephanie said that he eats and sleeps well. He is a very happy baby who loves cuddles and attention.

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The name... Dad Rhys chose the name Archie as it was top of their list. Middle name James is for both his Grandads and Ryan is for a cousin who recently suddenly passed away.

The proud grandparents... Heather and James Bonner and Sonya and James Stewart.

Anyone you’d like to thank... Both parents would like to thank all the hospital staff and everyone that helped and gave gifts.

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