1973: Fife youth club’s ten-hour dance marathon

An Caennard Youth Club in KirkcaldyAn Caennard Youth Club in Kirkcaldy
An Caennard Youth Club in Kirkcaldy
August 1973 saw 40 youngsters set out to dance the night away and raise money for their youth club .

After ten hours of non stop rock, twist and jive, they had raised £200.

Youngsters aged from 14-18, took part in the marathon sponsored dance-in to collect funds for the An Caennard Youth Club, formed earlier that year in the Smeaton area of Kirkcaldy.

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Councillor Iain McGarry said: “The youngsters did very well. Of the 40 who started out, 30 of them lasted the whole ten hours.”

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Money raised bought a mobile disco unit and a projector and screen to show films to the younger children.

Top prize for most sponsors went to Flora McMillan who had 149 backers paying anything between half pence and 10 pence.

The club met in Veronica Social Centre.