Social event in Fife to provide support for FND sufferers

Kez Malloch has organised a meet and greet event in Dysart on March 10. Pic: George McLuskie.Kez Malloch has organised a meet and greet event in Dysart on March 10. Pic: George McLuskie.
Kez Malloch has organised a meet and greet event in Dysart on March 10. Pic: George McLuskie.
A Kirkcaldy woman who suffers from a disabling neurological disorder is organising an event in Dysart to provide support and reduce isolation for people with similar conditions.

Kez Malloch has Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) and runs a worldwide support group on Facebook for people who are diagnosed with the condition and their families.

The 33-year-old mum of two has arranged a ‘meet and greet’ on Saturday, March 10 at the Royal Hotel from 5pm so people can have a chance to meet others with neurological conditions and ask any questions.

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Kez has also teamed up with Purple Caffe, which offers help to Fife families affected by epilepsy, for the event – which is free to attend - as it supports locals who have similar symptoms to those with FND.

Following an informal chat session, there will be a disco from 7pm and a buffet, tombola and raffle as well as activities for children.

Kez revealed that she was first diagnosed with FND seven years ago at the age of 26.

She said: “I woke up one morning and my left eye was swollen and my mouth had drooped. I went to the doctor’s and he was convinced it was Bell’s palsy so gave me steriods. But when I got home my left arm became very weak and my speech was slurred so I was sent to Victoria Hospital.”

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By this point she was struggling to swallow and she was given MRIs, CT Scans and a lumbar puncture which all came back clear. But Dr Jon Stone, an NHS Consultant Neurologist, was there and recognised her symptoms.

Kez’s condition was life changing. As part of the nervous system disorder, she can suddenly suffer from paralysis, speech problems and seizures and it was so bad at one point she couldn’t leave her bed for two and a half years. As a result she had to give up her waitressing/bar job and became dependent on her husband Ian and family for support.

Kez said: “My family had to fight to get a care package in place for me and so I decided to set up a support group on Facebook to help others. I have to deal with people who are at their lowest point and want to give up. I stay up all night just talking to them so they know they aren’t alone.”

She added: “I wouldn’t be here today without my family and this is why I want to help other people who don’t have any support.”

For information about the event type in ‘FND Group ‘Meet-and-Greet’ Family Event’ on Facebook.

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