Coronavirus: Exams cancelled and all Fife schools and early learning centres to close

Exams have been cancelled at Scottish schools as a result of the coronovirus outbreak. Pic: Pixabay.Exams have been cancelled at Scottish schools as a result of the coronovirus outbreak. Pic: Pixabay.
Exams have been cancelled at Scottish schools as a result of the coronovirus outbreak. Pic: Pixabay.
Scottish exams have been cancelled and all schools and early learning centres in Fife will close from tomorrow.

Scotland's Education Secretary John Swinney said this year's exams will not take place because of the coronavirus pandemic in an announcement today.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney has updated Parliament on the decision to close schools and confirmed that: Exams will not go ahead this year and that the Scottish Qualifications Authority will put in place a certification model using coursework, teacher assessment of estimated grades and prior attainment.

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He said that local authorities are taking measures to protect vulnerable children who rely on schools for hot meals or a safe and supportive environment

children of key workers will have continuing access to learning or childcare.

Mr Swinney said: “My priorities are to ensure the health and wellbeing of our children, young people and staff, and to maintain teaching and learning wherever this is possible, guided by the advice of the Chief Medical Officer and public health experts.

“Teaching, learning and support will continue – albeit in different ways for different groups of children. For the majority, this will be through distance learning and online learning, with different forms of on-going contact with teachers rather than in-school, face-to-face. Teachers and other staff who are well will continue to be working.

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“For vulnerable children and those who have parents or carers employed as key workers, local authorities are developing approaches to support them. We will not cut adrift vulnerable young people who often rely on school life for hot meals or for a safe, nurturing and supportive environment.

“Parents are not expected to be a teacher or to recreate the school day - your school will be giving you some resources and suggestions as your first port of call.

“It is a measure of the gravity of the challenge we now face that the exams will not go ahead this year. With the support of the wider education system, a credible certification model can be put in place in the that can command confidence in the absence of the exam diet – to ensure that young people in our schools and colleges who through no fault of their own are unable to sit exams, are not disadvantaged.”

The move comes a day after the First Minister announced that all schools and early learning centres in Scotland will close from tomorrow.

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Kirkcaldy High was closed to S1 and S2 pupils today and will again tomorrow due to a shortage of staff caused by the coronavirus outbreak.

Headteacher Derek Allan sent an email to parents and carers of those affected on Wednesday morning to inform them.

On the decision to close Fife schools from tomorrow Carrie Lindsay, Fife Council executive director of education, said: “This is not a decision that was taken lightly, and we understand the challenges this poses for many parents and carers but the well-being of all those in our communities is a priority.

“Our schools and learning centres have been planning for this for some time and we have been working closely with our headteachers to make sure that some form of learning can continue in these circumstances.”

She added: “Schools have access to a wide range of online resources and children have been shown how to access these from home.”