Landmark anniversary year for Fife Business Week

Fife Business Week 2019 - at John Young Signs Ltd, with (from left) Mark Cameron, Business Gateway Fife chairman; John Young and Michael Longstaffe, Fife Economy Partnership chairmanFife Business Week 2019 - at John Young Signs Ltd, with (from left) Mark Cameron, Business Gateway Fife chairman; John Young and Michael Longstaffe, Fife Economy Partnership chairman
Fife Business Week 2019 - at John Young Signs Ltd, with (from left) Mark Cameron, Business Gateway Fife chairman; John Young and Michael Longstaffe, Fife Economy Partnership chairman
Fife Business Week is set to celebrate its tenth anniversary.

It runs from November 4 – and promises a packed programme.

Organisers have lined up a host of events aimed at inspiring and supporting Fife’s business community, whilst providing opportunities for companies to come together to network and exchange ideas.

There are seminars and workshops planned which cover important issues for the local economy.

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Michael Longstaffe, who chairs Fife Economy Partnership, and Mark Cameron, 
Business Gateway Fife’s 
chairman, paid a visit to John Young Signs in Cowdenbeath who are also celebrating the tenth anniversary of their business.

John Young, company director, said: “We’ve grown over the last ten years from one successful business specialising in design signage into three distinctive areas, with the new divisions of Camat Design Ltd, a digital interior decoration design system and Halian, our PVCU no maintenance post sign system.

“We’ve invested heavily in research and development and developed our own range of bespoke interior printing products, including golf bags, furniture and car interiors.

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“ We have had excellent advice and assistance from Business Gateway Fife throughout.

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“Our aim is to expand and operate globally whilst employing more people locally.”

John’s business was hailed as an example for others to follow.

Mr Longstaffe said: “Fife Economy Partnership is very focussed on encouraging every local business in Fife to flourish, with inspirational examples like John Young Signs.

“Over the last ten years, Fife Business Week has developed into a valuable and popular business initiative, offering a substantial number of events, which year-on-year engage local businesses in Fife, encouraging and inspiring, offering best practice and innovative ideas to support growth and development.

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“I would encourage all Fife businesses and their leadership teams to engage with this important week of events, and to those businesses hosting events, sharing best practice, experiences and knowledge, thank you for making Fife the best place to do business.”

This year, events range from trading online and funding growth to using technologies to prepare your workforce for the future and raising ambition in Scottish manufacturing.

The full calendar of events will be rolled out at the end of September.

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