Kinghorn dress agency offers pre-loved clothing a Second Chance

Loraine Walker has launched Second Chance Couture dress agency. Pic: George McLuskieLoraine Walker has launched Second Chance Couture dress agency. Pic: George McLuskie
Loraine Walker has launched Second Chance Couture dress agency. Pic: George McLuskie
An independent dressmaker is hoping a new additional service she is offering can help Fifers find a new home for their pre-loved clothing while making them a little money at the same time.

Loraine Walker launched dress agency Second Chance Couture earlier this month in a bid to stop unwanted clothing finding its way to landfill while ensuring people earn a fair price for their pre-loved items.

Loraine, who runs Loraine Walker Couture in Kinghorn High Street, explained: “More and more of my customers were telling me that they were frustrated by only getting use of their dresses a couple of times, I started to wonder where these pieces were ending up.

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“I decided to do some research and was shocked by how many clothes were being binned and ending up in landfill.

“So I’ve taken matters into my own hands and have created a dress agency giving these items a second chance.”

Loraine discovered the average Brit spends £1000 on clothes each year and wears around 20 per cent of it, throwing away, on average, eight items each year, many of which are in perfectly good condition.

However, busy working people often don’t hand in donations to charity shops, which means more and more ends up in landfill each year.

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Second Chance Couture currently has a range of items on offer including day dresses, evening gowns and handbags on offer, but Loraine is keen to hear from those who may have quality clothing items they may want her to sell for them.

Anyone with quality clothing items they no longer want can take them along to Loraine who will sell them on at a fair price, with the original owner receiving 50 per cent of the sale price achieved.

She added: “It’s a great way to help recoup some of the money spent on items which only get worn once or twice and you can feel good about giving someone the opportunity to grab a bargain too.”

If you have quality items you would like Loraine to sell for you, call 01592 891344 to book an appointment.

Or if you’re looking for something new for your wardrobe then pop along to the shop to browse the range.

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