Kaber Helm is first business to emerge out of Fife's new enterprise hub

Kaber Helm move into new incubator unit premises in Kirkcaldy - John Binnie, junior software developer (left) and  Stewart Gray, MDKaber Helm move into new incubator unit premises in Kirkcaldy - John Binnie, junior software developer (left) and  Stewart Gray, MD
Kaber Helm move into new incubator unit premises in Kirkcaldy - John Binnie, junior software developer (left) and Stewart Gray, MD
Enterprise Hub Fife has just lost its very first tenant '“ and it couldn't be more delighted.

Kaber Helm has moved out of the new set-up into its own, larger premises at the business incubator in Mitchelston, Kirkcaldy, to accommodate its growing team of software developers.

That means, the hub has done its job.

Since opening in Glenrothes in May 2017, it has enabled entrepreneurs and early stage businesses to take the first steps into an environment through access to office space and hot desking facilities.

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Kaber Helm was one of the first to benefit at that critical stage of needing to grow beyond its office at home.

The company, which develops bespoke software solutions and apps to revolutionise business processes for clients, had intended to use the hot desking facilities but instead opted to rent one of the office spaces – and it hasn’t looked back.

Stewart Gray, managing director, said: “When we discovered Enterprise Hub Fife, we had been working from home and holding team meetings in coffee shops or round the dining room table.

“We recognised this set up was slowing down our development process and we were looking for an affordable solution where we could get the team together as well as providing a professional environment to invite potential clients to.”

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Having received ongoing support from the Business Gateway Start-up advisers at the Enterprise Hub, financial guidance from the RBS Business Adviser as well as ongoing mentoring, Kaber Helm have effectively utilised the services on offer to them.

Stewart continued, “We’ve been able to achieve so much in the last year and really focus on growing the business. As we take on more staff we feel it’s time to move into bigger offices but we will be forever grateful for the sound advice and opportunities that have been given to us during our time at the Enterprise Hub Fife.”

Pamela Stevenson, lead officer with Fife Council economic development explained “Funded by the Tullis Russell Fife Task Force, the Enterprise Hub Fife was established with a clear vision of firmly supporting Fife entrepreneurs and start-up businesses with growth ambitions through the early stages to help springboard them onto a sustainable platform for growth.

“Having worked with Stewart to scope out opportunities, I am delighted to see the company outgrow the Enterprise Hub Fife and progress into commercial business premises and we wish them every success going forward.

”We are keen to give another Fife entrepreneur or fledgling business the same opportunity and would urge anyone looking to push their business to the next level to get in touch.”