Fifers urged to help protect businesses and jobs from crime and vandalism

Crimestoppers campaignCrimestoppers campaign
Crimestoppers campaign
Appeal from Crimestoppers

Crimestoppers Scotland is urging Fifers to report crime against any businesses currently closed during lockdown.

It wants to tackle vandalism, break-ins and damage to property currently lying empty – to spare traders additional grief as they look to re-start.

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Issues such as flytipping and fire-raising are also a concern as they can seriously impact a company’s ability to reopen.

The charity has launched a new ‘Closed To Crime’ campaign to raise awareness and encourage people to report what they know about crime against local businesses – from shops to company premises, factories to warehouses.

Rodger Holden, director of business development, said: “Local businesses play an essential role in providing services and employment to the local and wider community.

“But as shops, warehouses and factories are closed or struggling to return to normal with reduced opening hours due to the pandemic, criminals are exploiting the crisis by breaking in to commercial premises.

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“Fire-raising attacks and fly-tipping are also incredibly harmful as the company has to incur significant costs. This could affect their future stability even further.“You can help keep shops and local industry open for business but #ClosedtoCrime.”

He urged Fifers to keep their eyes and ears open.

He added: “People’s jobs and local services depend on it. If you know something, please contact our charity and tell us what you know whilst staying 100% anonymous. Always.”

Information received by Crimestoppers has helped stop planned break-ins, made communities safer and brought people to justice.

The charity is asking for information about:Anyone who has planned or is planning to commit a break-in against a businessPlanned break-ins – where and when?Who’s selling stolen goods, and where?Large scale fly-tipping (such as lorries dumping rubbish) and hazardous waste.Contact CrimestoppeSe 0800 555 111

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Allan Crow, Editor, Fife Free Press